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"I think it takes a special kind of person to give back as personably as I do. Everyone isn't built for that kind of giving and community involvement, but I do think everyone should give back in some way. That's what you would need if the roles were reversed."


-Cidney Grady

WHO Founder:

Cidney Grady | Instagram: cidnache

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Cidney Grady is a Nashville Native who grew up going to school in East Nashville. She studied Music Business with a Business emphasis at Belmont University, and graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree on  August 7, 2020. Cidney considers herself to be a Creative Entrepreneur, and Music Enthusiast.


Her love of helping people in need was always present while growing up, but it wasn't until her Junior year in high school that she realized one of her many purposes on earth was to help and love on people experiencing homelessness. "In general,  legitimately get energy from making sure people are taken care of, and that they know people care about them. I'm not really sure where it comes from, but I honor that part of myself by listening when God pulls me to help certain people," is what Cidney says whenever she's asked why she was drawn to helping people dealing with homelessness.​


When asked what she wants to happen with WomenHelpingOthers she simply said, "I want the people to know us. That's why we serve in all capacities. What I want specifically from serving the men and women in the city experiencing homelessness is that they remember how we made them feel, and the hope we gave them. I actually think homelessness can be's just that no one has cracked the code yet. I think that in the long-run we'll solve that problem."


Cidney has plans to fund WomenHelpingOthers through her many other entrepreneurial ventures to ensure that WomenHelpingOthers stays 100% non-profit even when people are hired for full time positions within the organization. She wants every donation to go directly to helping the people. She also plans to provide mental health clinics, and professionalism workshops for the homeless communities she touches. Overall, Cidney wants all people to feel the love of God from every act of kindness she puts into the world from WomenHelpingOthers all the way to her Music Business career and beyond.


"Everyone wants to be rich & famous...not enough people want to leave the world better than it was when they found it."

-Cidney Grady

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